By Jinxue Chen
North Korea Claims Successful Hydrogen Bomb Test
Elise Hu
NPR, September 3
China Banks, Oil Giants at Risk From Trump’s Sanction Threat
From Bloomberg Politics
Bloomberg News, September 5
Xi Chairs Summit to Set Course for Next Golden Decade of BRICS
Hui Lu
Xinhua News, September 5
China’s Xi Wants to Put Relations with India on “Right Track”
Michael Martina
Reuters, September 5
Vietnam Protests over Chinese Live-fire Drills in South China Sea
Mai Nguyen
Reuters, September 5
Xi Open to Mending Fences with Seoul
Zhang Yunbi
China Daily, August 25
As Trump Unnerves Asia, China Sees an Opening
Jane Perlez
The New York Times, August 14
China Tightens Noose Over North Korea but Warns Trump on Trade
Simon Denyer
The Washington Post, August 14
China Industrial Output, Retail Sales, Fixed Asset Investment All Miss Expectations
Huileng Tan
CNBC, August 13
U.S. Destroyer Challenges China’s Claims in South China Sea
Idrees Ali
Reuters, August 10
Why a US Military Strike against North Korea Would Be Disastrous
Will Saetren
South China Morning Post, August 31
ICAS’s Will Saetren argues that the United States has been in a deterrence relationship with North Korea for decades. The fact that nuclear weapons have now been added to the mix is an unwelcome development, but it does not alter the reality that Pyongyang has held Seoul hostage with conventional weapons since 1953. The good news, Saetren writes, is that Kim Jong-Un isn’t suicidal. Any attack he initiates will lead to the destruction of the one thing he hold dearest, namely his regime. Entering a nuclear deterrence relationship with North Korea is far from ideal, but it is the best option we have.
Five Things to Know About Japan’s Possible Acquisition of Strike Capability
James L. Schoff, David Song
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, August 14
“As North Korea demonstrates new advances in missile technology and continues developing nuclear weapons, U.S. policymakers must ask themselves: Will Japan finally move toward acquiring offensive strike capabilities for the first time since World War II? Should Washington welcome such an effort?”
“Occasional surfacing of the so-called enemy base strike (teki kichi kōgeki) debate in Japanese political circles often produces alarmist headlines and predictions of a remilitarized Japan, but in fact this strike debate has been percolating for decades and is still rooted in Japan’s defensive military politics.”
What South China Sea Rivals Can Learn From the Doklam Border Dispute
Sourabh Gupta
South China Morning Post, September 3
“Resolution of the India-China border dispute is testament to the strength of boundary management protocols.”
Between Confrontation and Cooperation
Jia Qingguo
China US Focus, September 1
“The rise of China, the relative decline of the West and the election of Donald Trump have introduced unprecedented uncertainty into China-US relations. For most of the 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China-US relations evolved as part of the international order dominated and shaped by the West, and the US in particular. Now, the rise of China and the relative decline of the West have eroded Western domination and the election of Donald Trump has put US global leadership into question. What does all this mean for China-US relations? Will the two countries go to war, as some argue? Or will they develop a new type of great power relationship as many have hoped?”
Odd When It’s Communist China That Gets The Effect Of A Trade War Correct
Tim Worstall
Forbes, August 14
“There are varied border and trade arguments going on between India and China at present, a step up from the low level grumbling that has been going on for decades. Yet it’s still odd to see the–near–official mouthpiece of the Communist regime in China getting the effects of a trade war correct. The point and purpose of trade is that we gain access to the imports. A trade war which denies us access to those imports is thus damaging the very reason that we trade in the first place–access to those imports. But that it should be China having to tell us this is, in a rather dry sense, amusing, is it not?”
Discussion: China’s Arctic and Antarctic Ambitions
Event hosted by Kissinger Institute on China and the United States, September 18
“China’s aims in the North and South Poles are less well understood than its Eurasian and African strategies, but are becoming increasingly consequential… China’s polar policies are viewed by Beijing as part of the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative that presents China as a benevolent global power.”
Speech: US Trade Policy Priorities
Event hosted by Center for Strategic and International Studies, September 18
Robert Lighthizer, the U.S. trade representative, will be delivering a speech on the current situation of American trade and its policy priorities. This event will be webcast live.
Seminar: Trade Deficit and the Trump Administration
Event hosted by American Enterprise Institute, September 15
An essential economic policy objective of the Trump administration is to reduce the US trade deficit through the “America First” approach. This seminar will discuss the importance of reducing the trade deficit and the most economical means of attaining that goal.
Speech: The State of American Diplomacy
Event hosted by Foreign Policy Institute, Johns Hopkins University, September 13
Mr. Antony Blinken, former Deputy Secretary of State for President Obama, will be giving a speech at Johns Hopkins University to talk about the questions like how diplomacy furthers American policy goals around the world.
Speech: The Face-Off in Doklam: Interpreting India-China Relations with Ambassador Nirupama Rao
Event hosted by Sigur Center for Asian Studies, September 13
Mrs. Nirupama Menon Rao will deliver a speech to discuss and analyze the cause and effects of the India-China border face-off in the Doklam region. She has been serving as India’s Foreign Secretary (2009-2011) as well as being India’s Ambassador to the United States, China and Sri Lanka (High Commissioner) during her career.
Discussion: What Asians Think About Indian Power
Event hosted by Brookings Institute India Center, September 5
Last May, a network of Asian think tanks have released the six-country survey result on attitude towards the changing Asian and international order. This panel discussion will discuss the result of the survey, particularly with regard to the Asian countries’ perception of India’s role in the Indo-Pacific.
Symposium on the 45th Anniversary of the Normalization of Sino-Japan Diplomatic Ties
Event hosted by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, August 26
The International Symposium on the 45th Anniversary of the Normalization of Sino-Japanese Diplomatic Ties opened on Aug. 26 at the Great Hall of the People. More than 150 Chinese and Japanese dignitaries, experts, scholars and media representatives attended it. It features the history and prospect of Sino-Japan diplomatic relations.
Speech: A Peek into North Korea
Event Hosted by the Cato Institute, August 15
Doug Bandow, the Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, provides his insights after a rare visit to the isolated nation and discusses the North Korea problem.
Seminar: Boosting Human Capital
Event hosted by Global Taiwan Institute, August 10
This event focuses on the U.S.-Taiwan public diplomacy regarding the educational and cultural exchanges with Taiwan, the importance of Taiwan’s value to the U.S., and exchange programs in Taiwan that are valuable for American students.
By Jinxue Chen
On August 3rd, the Trump administration conducted its third Freedom of Navigation Operation (FONOP). The USS John S. McCain sailed within 12 nautical miles (nm) of Mischief Reef, the site of an artificial island constructed by China. With the USS Dewey’s man-overboard drill conducted within 12nm of Mischief Reef on May 24th, and the USS Stethem’s passage near Triton Island in the Paracels on July 2nd, the United States has conducted FONOPs roughly every 35 days this the summer. The high frequency of FONOPs begs the question, what is the goal of these operations? Are FONOPs necessary?
The FONOPs conducted by the Trump administration have shown different characteristics from Obama’s. First, the Obama administration conducted its FONOPs under the auspices of exercising the right to innocent passage. This approach was frequently criticized as it “tacitly acknowledged Chinese territorial seas,” which is subject to a dispute under international law. In contrast, the first FONOP conducted by the Trump administration started with a man overboard drill near Mischief Reef, a maneuver that cannot be considered “continuous and expeditious” innocent passage as defined by article 18 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). In other words, the focus of U.S. FONOP operations has shifted from demonstrating the concept of innocent passage, to directly challenging China’s territorial sea claims in the South China Sea.
Second, the procedures for approving FONOPs has fundamentally changed. During the Obama administration, FONOP requests were submitted to the White House and considered on an individual basis. That is no longer the case. The Pentagon has submitted a plan to the White House that outlines the conduct of FONOPs for the whole year, with a large degree of predictability built into the system. For instance, certain events could automatically trigger a FONOP.
Third, FONOPs are no longer announced by the Pentagon. Rather than publicizing individual operations, the Pentagon will only provide an annual summary of its FONOPs around the world at the end of the year. Although U.S. FONOPs will almost certainly continue to be covered by the media as they occur, this policy shift removes a degree of tension from the political narrative that inevitably results from these operations. This shift indicates that the conduct of Freedom of Navigation Operations is returning to a semblance of normality — being conducted routinely and privately.
These policy changes are a welcome development that will help reduce tensions in the South China Sea in the near term. From a liberal and realist standpoint however, the long-term impact of U.S. FONOPs in the South China Sea remains a question mark.
Freedom of Navigation Operations is part of the triple track in the Freedom of Navigation (FON) Program, which “since 1979 has highlighted the navigation provisions of the LOS Convention to further the recognition of the vital national need to protect maritime rights throughout the world.” With the other two methods being diplomatic representation, bilateral and multilateral consultation with other governments, the military assertions are used specifically to challenge excessive claims that are inconsistent with high seas freedoms stipulated in UNCLOS. In that respect, the FON program from a liberal viewpoint plays a crucial role in upholding international law.
However, military operational assertions ought to function as secondary, rather than primary mechanism of the FON program. The major areas of contention in the South China Sea are whether the coastal states can require prior authorization or notification of innocent passage in their territorial waters, and whether marine surveillance activities are allowed in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Both issues pose a series of legal debates. Can the non-“continuous and expeditious” passage of a armed warship be regarded as innocent? Is marine surveillance that much different from marine scientific research – the jurisdiction over which the Law of the Sea explicitly vests with the coastal state? Countries including China, Vietnam, Malaysia have all participated in these debates.
It is debatable whether FONOPs constitute the best means of resolving these issues and protect accepted international law and practice. First, while the questions are legal issues, FONOPs are military assertions. Military actions carried out unilaterally are not as compatible with the core value of the liberal world order as legal frameworks arrived-at within multilateral bodies. Given that the United States has yet to ratify UNCLOS, its military assertions to protect international navigational rights lacks a serious degree of credibility. Second, both of the FONOPs in May and in August occurred near the Mischief Reef, where neither China nor other countries have actually claimed a territorial sea. As Dutton and Kardon observed when the USS Dewey sailed near the Mischief Reef in May, it is unclear whether a FONOP actually happened, and as such was both unnecessary and unhelpful.
From a realist standpoint, the disputes involving the South China Sea are a manifestation of the opposite interests held by the maritime powers and the coastal States – the coastal states eager to have more control in their territorial sea and EEZ whilst the maritime powers’ interest lie in the freedom of navigation. FONOPs are a tool to highlight disagreements in these interests. However, as the crisis on the Korean peninsula increases in urgency, some view both the 214-day break from the last FONOP under Obama’s administration to the first one under Trump’s and the current regime of regulated FONOPs as strategies to gain China’s help in resolving the North Korean nuclear problem.
In this regard, it is unlikely that regularizing FONOPs will help the United States gain any meaningful concessions from China on North Korea. Just a few hours after the Trump administration’s second FONOP on July 2, Xi Jinping and Donald Trump had a telephone conversation regarding a range of issues from North Korea to trade relations. Xi told Trump that there were some “negative factors” impacting U.S.-China relations. In response to the third FONOP, China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson added that “the provocation by the US side has compelled the Chinese side to take measures to further enhance its capability to defend its territory”. It is becoming increasingly clear that FONOPs are only serving to raise military tensions in the region. China will likely increase its military budget in response to perceived U.S. threats, and the United States will respond in kind. Such militarization is not what either side wants.
If the objective of FONOPs is to influence China and promote U.S. interests, they are failing from both a liberal and realist standpoint. U.S. Navy War College professors Peter Dutton and Isaac Kardon have observed that current FONOPs in the South China Sea “needlessly politicize this important program” and propose alternate methods of sending signals to China. They argue that recent moves, such as the redeployment of Third Fleet Forces from San Diego to the Western Pacific send an equally strong message, but do not carry the same political baggage as FONOPs. Reinforcing Dutton and Kardon’s point, Professor Robert Farley recently noted that “FONOPs are the tool that the United States has happened upon, but they are altogether inadequate to the task”. Mark Valencia too has criticized FONOPs as “anachronistic, ambiguous, unnecessarily provocative and counterproductive – and thus best discontinued or used only when definitely legal and politically necessary rather than as a matter of course.”
If FONOPs are not the best way to uphold the international law of sea, or to gain more support from China in North Korea issues, what is the alternative? Military operational assertions are only one component of the Freedom of Navigation. The other two tracks, diplomatic representations and multilateral consultations with other governments could well prove to be more effective methods for resolving the many disputes in the South China Sea. A full discussion on establishing a clear legal framework for navigating these disputes should expand from academia to governments departments and be agreed upon through diplomacy, not through the fruitless flexing of military might.
Jinxue Chen is a research assistant at the Institute for China-America Studies.
The Institute for China-America Studies is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to strengthening the understanding of U.S.-China relations through expert analysis and practical policy solutions.
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