Biden Administration International Affairs Personnel Tracker

Laura Rosenberger

Senior Director for China, National Security Council

Before joining Biden’s National Security Council as Senior Director for China, Laura Rosenberger was most recently the director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy and a senior fellow at The German Marshall Fund of the United States. She is an Obama era veteran, serving on his National Security Council. Given this, she has had a close working relationship with other high-ranking Biden administration officials while at her previous roles, such as Tony Blinken and William Burns.

Other positions she held also directly involved China, including NSC director for China and Korea during the Obama administration. While on the NSC, she managed the interagency Deputies Committee, the U.S. government’s senior-level interagency decision-making forum on our country’s most pressing national security issues. She also served in a variety of positions focused on the Asia-Pacific region at the Department of State, including managing U.S.–China relations and addressing North Korea’s nuclear programs.

On China

Laura Rosenberger has written extensively on China and the U.S.-China relationship. She is particularly outspoken about the Chinese government’s crackdown on Hong Kong and the implications of its attempts to undermine democratic institutions around the world. In this capacity has written extensively on Chinese and Russian interference in elections and other information operations, including on the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

For example, on social media she tweeted:

Chinese diplomats going full Russian – spread multiple, conflicting conspiracy theories, not to convince people of an explanation but to create the idea that it’s impossible to know the truth. First time I’ve seen CCP pursue that approach, and a ominous sign of where it might go.

During an event at the Brookings Institution on April 8, 2021 that hosted parliamentarians targeted and sanctioned by China, Rosenberger stressed the work the Biden administration has done to “rebuild and restore” the foundations of U.S. alliances and partnerships in Europe and nations in the Indo-Pacific. She also said the global community should “work to expand Taiwan’s international space for its appropriate participation in international institutions.”

Page Last Updated: April 12, 2021

*None of the personnel in this tracker are associated with the Institute for China-America Studies. All images used on this page are sourced from the official Biden-Harris transition website or the public domain.*