
May 24-25, 2018

42nd Annual Conference of the Center for Oceans Law and Policy

Hosted by the Center for Oceans Law and Policy University of Virginia School of Law, co-organized with the National Institute for South China Sea Studies and the Chinese Society of International Law


Dr. Nong Hong attended the 42nd Annual Conference of the Center for Oceans Law and Policy (COLP) of the University of Virginia School of Law in Beijing on May 24-25, 2018. The conference, titled “Cooperation and Engagement in the Asia Pacific Region”, focused on issues of regional concerns such as protection and preservation of marine environment, strait governance, shipping, search and rescue, freedom of navigation, sustainable fisheries, preservation of marine biodiversity beyond borders of national jurisdiction, and regional cooperation. Dr. Hong presented her paper, “Freedom of Navigation: Where to Go When Political Agenda Shadows Legal Substance”

The 42nd Annual Conference was co-sponsored and coordinated by The Center for Oceans Law and Policy, University of Virginia School of Law; the National Institute for South China Sea Studies (China); the
Chinese Society of International Law; and the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI)

Additional Sponsors:

China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies, Wuhan University (CIBOS); Centre for International Law (CIL), Singapore; K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea, Tromsø (JCLOS); the International Seabed Authority (ISA); and in collaboration with the U.S. Naval War College

Click here more information on the Annual Conference.

42nd Annual Conference Program PDF


Date And Time

May 24-25, 2018


Crowne Plaza Beijing Chaoyang U-Town Beijing, China