
November 8-9, 2023 (GMT+8, Beijing)

Symposium on Global Maritime Cooperation and Ocean Governance 2023

Dr. Nong Hong, ICAS Executive Director & Senior Researcher, and Mr. Yilun Zhang, ICAS Research Associate, participated in the Symposium on Global Maritime Cooperation and Ocean Governance (GMCOG) 2023 held in Sanya, China from November 8-9, 2023. Dr. Nong Hong moderated “Session 6: BBNJ Agreement and Global Ocean Governance” and presented in “Session 7: Global Climate Change and Polar Research.” Mr. Yilun Zhang presented in “Session 2: Mutual Confidence Building in the South China Sea from the Perspective of Global Security Initiative.”

About the Symposium

Inaugurated in November 2020, the symposium aims to offer a unique platform for thought-provoking dialogues among the thinkers of various backgrounds from all over the world and promote academic research and exchange on maritime cooperation and ocean governance. It also seeks to raise the voice of the South China Sea coastal states in global governance and cooperation on ocean, offer South China Sea experience and solution to global ocean governance, restore confidence in global ocean governance and cooperation and align itself with the Sustainable Development Goal 14 of the United Nations (Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development). The GMCOG has made its special contribution to sustainable development of oceans and seas throughout the years.

Date And Time

Thursday, November 8, 2023 – Friday, November 9, 2023 (GMT+8, Beijing) 8:00AM – 6:00PM (Nov 8); 9:00AM – 3:30PM (Nov 9)


Grand Hyatt Sanya Haiting Bay Sanya, China (Hybrid)