Academic Journal Analysis Highlight

“Xi Jinping and the National Security Commission:
Policy Coordination and Political Power”

By David M. Lampton in the Journal of Contemporary China

August 31, 2015

Xi Jinping at the 2015 BRICS Summit, 9 July 2015. (Photo:

Academic Journal Article Highlight

Xi Jinping and the National Security Commission: Policy Coordination and Political Power
David Lampton
Journal of Contemporary China, 24:95, 759-777

Lampton discusses the implications of China’s newly formed National Security Commission, both from the perspective of internal Chinese politics and engagement by foreign governments. He emphasizes the degree to which the Commission is a “work in progress,” and notes that while it has a mandate to cover both internal and external security issues, it has mostly concerned itself with maintaining internal stability and control. While the Commission appears to be meant to streamline and centralize security decision-making, for the time-being it has yielded a situation in which it is sometimes unclear to foreign observers or Chinese bureaucrats where the true lines of authority lie, and foreign diplomats may not know which deputy-level officials to engage with on a given issue.

Lampton concludes by sketching out a few implications regarding China’s relations with foreign nations. Because “outsiders may find challenges in locating a decisive foreign policy voice below Xi Jinping for a considerable period,” direct personal engagement with Xi is especially important. Moreover, Xi Jinping has a greater degree of “at least nominal” control over internal/external security and military and foreign policy than his predecessors. On the other hand, because Xi has such expanded involvement with key policy groups, it raises questions about how effectively he can manage them all, especially in the apparent absence of a deputy figure in the mold of Zhou Enlai. Ultimately Lampton believes that “domestic stability maintenance” is the key concern of Xi Jinping, and while China is “strategically ambitious” it will also seek to lower regional tensions and find constructive ways to work with the US—although these objectives are undermined the regime’s attentiveness to nationalistic passions about sovereignty issues.

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