Home / Books & Journal Articles / Book Chapter / Destined to Disappoint: The Quad as Part of the United States’ Indo-Pacific Strategy
Senior Fellow & Head, Trade 'n Technology Program
Volume 1 unpacks and examines geopolitics and foreign policy strategies of key Asian states in response to major security challenges associated with growing US-China rivalry.
Readership: Mainly a reference set for general public and specialists. May also be used as textbooks for both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Book Details: (276 pages, https://doi.org/10.1142/12807-vol1)
Publisher: World Scientific
Publication Date: December 2022
This volume is part of a reference set: https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/12807#t=aboutBook
Senior Fellow & Head, Trade 'n Technology Program
Sourabh Gupta is a senior Asia-Pacific international relations policy specialist with two decades of Washington, D.C.-based experience in a think tank and political risk research and advisory capacity. His key area of expertise pertains to the intersection of international law, both international trade and investment law and international maritime law (Law of the Sea), with the international relations of the Asia-Pacific region. His areas of specialization include: U.S.-China trade and technology competition; analysis of developments in World Trade Organization and Asia-Pacific economic regionalism; analysis of major power relationships (China-U.S., China-Japan, China-India, U.S.-Japan, U.S.-India, Japan-India; Russia-Japan relations) and key flashpoint issues in the Asia-Pacific region; and analysis of outstanding territorial disputes and maritime law-related developments. He is a member of the United States Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (USCSCAP).
Prior to joining ICAS, he was a Senior Research Associate at Samuels International Associates, Inc., an international consulting firm specializing in government relations and global trade and investment matters. He holds master’s degrees in security studies and international relations from the Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University and the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, respectively. His bachelor’s degree was awarded by the University of Mumbai.
The Institute for China-America Studies is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to strengthening the understanding of U.S.-China relations through expert analysis and practical policy solutions.
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