Home / Books & Journal Articles / Book / Maritime Security Issues in the South China Sea and the Arctic: Sharpened Competition or Collaboration?
Director of the China Institute, University of Alberta
Executive Director & Senior Fellow
Both the Arctic and the South China Sea has for decades received attention of the international community for various factors, geopolitics, strategic and security considerations, resource competition as well as multiple sovereignty and maritime claims. The prospect of the disappearance of Arctic sea ice and recent developments in the South China Sea raise the risk of new rounds of competition, and inject uncertain elements to the security of both regions.
The edited volume discusses pertinent issues dealing with the security and sovereignty of maritime states in both the Arctic and the South China Sea. The book is divided into four parts: 1) Geopolitics of the Arctic and the South China Sea: Recent Developments; 2) Issues Related to International Shipping in the Arctic and the South China Sea; 3) Voices of Stakeholders in the Arctic and the South China Sea; and 4) Prospects for Cooperation and Competition in the South China Sea and the Arctic.
Publisher: China Democracy and Legal System Publishing House
ISBN 10: 7516200360
ISBN 13: 9787516200360
Director of the China Institute, University of Alberta
Executive Director & Senior Fellow at the Institute for China-America Studies
The Institute for China-America Studies is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to strengthening the understanding of U.S.-China relations through expert analysis and practical policy solutions.
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