Released the last Tuesday of every month, Maritime Affairs Program (MAP) Handbills are a regular newsletter that highlights the major news stories, research products, analyses, and events occurring in or with regard to the global maritime domain during the past month.
Each issue also includes a Spotlight: a short-form written background and analysis of a specific issue related to maritime affairs, which changes with each issue. The goal of the Spotlight is to help our readers quickly and accurately understand the basic background of a vital topic in maritime affairs and how that topic relates to ongoing developments today.
ICAS Maritime Affairs Handbill (online ISSN 2837-3901, print ISSN 2837-3871)
Join in the conversation on Twitter at #ICASMAP and #MAPWave.

March 28, 2023
Volume 2
Issue 3
Spotlight Topic:
Strait of Malacca
Spotlight Author:
Yilun Zhang

February 28, 2023
Volume 2
Issue 2
Spotlight Topic:
Carrier Strike Groups
Spotlight Author:
Alec Caruana

January 31, 2023
Volume 2
Issue 1
Spotlight Topic:
The Black Sea
Spotlight Author:
Jessica Martin